John Allan Photography

Photography so you don't have to.

Sun Rise at Long Branch Park, Killeen, TX

This started off as a very cloudy sun rise. After about 30 shots, the sun appeared that gave this rather nice sun beam. This was shot with a Canon EOS R6Mark II, a Canon RF 15-35 F2.8 L IS USM lens at 35mm. F10, 1/8, ISO 50 on 5/17/2024 @ 0649-hours. The F10 was used in an attempt to get all aspects of the shot into sharper focus.

Rocks – a before and after

As a new photographer, I am using the Canon DPP 4 photo editing software – not sure of the incurred expense with Light Room (LR) and Photoshop early as I only jump started this business in April 2024 with the advent of the Solar Eclipse that occurred in Killeen, Texas on April 8, 2024. This is the before and after adjustments of all things – rocks – these are in my sitting area in my back yard.

So, this is one of the nearly first photos I took with the EOS R5 and really did not have the system set up. This was a good test photo to practice with the Canon DPP 4 photo program. In the end, I did print this out as an 8 x 10 on metallic paper that gives a very sound 3D effect when looked at with sun light.

Blue Bonnets of Central Texas with Alex and Ruta

Equipment used: Canon EOS R6 Mark II, Tv: 1/400, Av: 6.3, ISO: 100 @ 70mm with a RF 28 – 70 F2 L USM

Canon EOS R5, Tv: 1/500, Av: 8.0, ISO 200 @ 400mm with RF 100-500 F4.5 – 7.1 L IS USM
Canon EOS R5, Tv 1/320, Av: 8.0, ISO 100 @ 100mm
Canon EOS R5, Tv: 1/320, Av: 7.1, ISO: 100 @ 128mm with a RF 100-500 4.5 – 7.1 L IS USM
EOS R6 Mark II, Tv 1/400, Av: 6.3, ISO 100 @ 70mm with a RF 28-70 F2 L USM
EOS R6 Mark II, Tv: 1/400, Av: 5.6, ISO: 100 @ 70mm with a RF 28-70 F2 L USM
Canon EOS R6 Mark II, Tv: 1/400, Av 6.3, ISO 100 @70mm with a RF 28-70 F2 L USM
Canon R5, Tv: 1/400, Av: 7.1, ISO 125 @ 324mm with a RF 100-500 F4.5L IS USM